Attendee Guide

Dear Attendee,

Thank you for registering for Project Virtual Conference 2015. After many months of work, and with support of several community members and Speakers, we have put together an awesome event for you.

This attendee guide will give you a high level glimpse of what you can expect at the event site, how you take advantage of the event to the fullest, and also answer some of the FAQs.

So here we go.

When we will go live?

The virtual doors for the event will open at 12 PM UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). So get your devices ready, get a headset, and find a spot to watch the session!

How do I log into the Event?

To navigate to the Event site once we are open, please visit, and you should see a Attend Event button, right on the home page, as you can see below. Just click on the button and you will be taken to login for the event.


Once you are in the logging area, please use your credentials that you created when registering for the conference.

What Technology are we using for the Conference?

We will be using Google Hangouts on Air for streaming the videos, with the website built on top of WordPress platform and few other web technologies.

Should I be downloading any software (or plugin)?

No. This is one of primary reasons we chose to use Google hangouts on Air and YouTube as the delivery mechanism. There is nothing to download on your side.

Which Browser should I use?

You could use any browser you want, but we found the best experience was on Google Chrome.

How can I best prepare for this event?

You probably already know this, but at the core of it, this is a virtual conference, which means a LOT will depend on the quality of your internet connection. So, please make sure that you have a decent internet connection when you are accessing the event to have a good experience. In addition, having a good device also helps. While we tried to make sure this works on any device, a full-fledged PC (or Mac) might be a good choice to attend this event.

Will Google Hangouts on Air work in Germany?

Due to the restrictions in the German regions on YouTube Live Streaming, these sessions cannot be viewed in Germany, when they are streaming live. However, all sessions will be available on-demand, and can be watched at a later time from those regions.

Will the sessions be available after the event is complete?

Yes. All sessions will be available on-demand after the event, in the same place as the event. We will notify all attendees when we have processed them and make them viewable on-demand.

Navigating around the Event Area

Once you log into the Event site will consist of 5 main sections.

Each of these areas are self-explanatory.

We do not want to steal your excitement, by giving away too much at this point. We encourage you to explore each of these areas, and visit all our sponsors booths and experience for yourselves what we have done.

What do I do if I am having issues while logging in?

Please contact us at, and we will we will try to help you out.

What do I do if I am having issues AFTER I have logged in?

Please use the Get Help section to chat with our team directly. Again, we will try to help you out.

So that’s it! We wish you a great conference!

Thank you!

Project Virtual Conference 2015 Team